Upcoming Events

All events are free!
Please click on the event you would like to attend and RSVP.

Shabbat Services & Mawa’s Kitchen

Shabbat Services & Mawa’s Kitchen

The Aspen Jewish Congregation and Mountain Minyan invite you to Shabbat services led by Rabbi Shira and the Mountain Minyan musicians. After services, enjoy a delicious dinner while relaxing with the community.

Services 6:00-7:00
Dinner 7:00-8:30

Childcare provided.

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The Ancient/Very Contemporary Tale of Queen Vashti: Study & Conversation

The Ancient/Very Contemporary Tale of Queen Vashti: Study & Conversation

Finish out the week with cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and a thoughtful, fun, substantive, and even sometimes raucous ode to Queen Vashti. Reviled as a villain and celebrated as a rebel, ignored by history and valorized by feminists, Vashti is at once an enigma and a Rorschach test. Learn and discuss not only her story, but also how artists, commentators, and laypeople have interpreted it over the millennia.

Childcare provided.

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Study & Conversation

Study & Conversation

Finish out the week with cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and a thoughtful, fun, substantive, and even sometimes raucous ode to the Tu B’Shvat seder. Tu B’Shvat is the birthday of the trees, and in this land of the Aspen, we will celebrate the trees in our lives, and the fruits emerging at this first hint of Spring, through song, conversation, and of course, eating.

Childcare provided.

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Aspen Gay Ski Week: Bring in Shabbat with Song, Prayer, Food, & Community

Aspen Gay Ski Week: Bring in Shabbat with Song, Prayer, Food, & Community

Led by Rabbi Aaron Weininger, long time AGSW attendee and the first openly gay student admitted to the Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinical School. The Aspen Jewish Congregation, Rabbi Shira, and the Mountain Minyan music team invite you to a celebration of Shabbat and each other. Bring in the weekend with song, reflection, and joy, followed by kiddush – plenty of good eats.

4:45 – 5:45pm
Cocktails, conversation, community, and learning.

Musical Shabbat services with music and wisdom followed by kiddush – plenty of good eats.

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Bring in Shabbat with Song, Prayer, Food, & Community

Bring in Shabbat with Song, Prayer, Food, & Community

The Aspen Jewish Congregation, Rabbi Shira, and the Mountain Minyan music team invite you to a celebration of Shabbat and each other. Bring in the weekend with song, reflection, and joy. After services, enjoy a healthy, seated dinner from Stew Pot, while relaxing with friends old and new.

Services 6:00-7:00
Dinner 7:00-8:30

Childcare provided.

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Cocktails & Conversation

Cocktails & Conversation

Finish out the week with hot toddies, snacks and a thoughtful, fun, substantive, and even sometimes raucous discussion of the topic of how we should care for the ill? Do we have a responsibility to care for the sick, or is it something we do out of a spirit of generosity? (And why does that question matter?) Most of us have cared for people who are ill; all of us are or will be ill. We will talk about our own experiences and build strength for the future.

Childcare provided.

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New Year’s Eve Pre-Game

New Year’s Eve Pre-Game

Mountain Minyan invites you to cross-country ski, build a snowman, make s’mores, hang around the fire-pit, and bring in the new week and the new year at a New Year’s Eve pre-game party. This event is at a private home adjacent to ski trails. Indoor/outdoor.

Childcare provided.

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Sixth Night: Bring in Shabbat with Song, Prayer, Food, & Community

Sixth Night: Bring in Shabbat with Song, Prayer, Food, & Community

The Aspen Jewish Congregation, Rabbi Shira and the Mountain Minyan music team invite you to a celebration of all the miracles--in those days and in this time. Bring your Chanukah Menorah and candles for the communal candle-lighting (we will have many extras), then bring in Shabbat with song, reflection, and joy. After services, enjoy a latke bar dinner + Chanukah cheese board + Sephardic donut dessert, while relaxing with the community.

Services 6:00-7:00
Latke Bar 7:00-8:30

Childcare provided.

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Fifth Day: Cocktails & Conversation

Fifth Day: Cocktails & Conversation

Finish out the week with cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and a thoughtful, fun, substantive, and even sometimes raucous discussion of the finer points of Chanukah, the holiday of Or (light) in the Choshech (night-darkness). We may reflexively think of light as “good” and darkness as “bad” or “scary,” something to avoid. But think deeper; maybe these are unhelpful, false or even dangerous binaries. How can we find goodness everywhere?

Childcare provided.

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Fourth Day: Slopeside Chanukah Party

Fourth Day: Slopeside Chanukah Party

Ski by for a slopeside Chanukah party like none other! Each hour will feature a different activity. There will be Sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) and hot chocolate, dreidel spinning and prizes, grilled food, and beats by Sammy Steen.

Sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) and hot chocolate 11am-12pm
Dreidel spinning and prizes 12pm-1pm
Grilled burgers and hotdogs (veggie options available) 1pm-2pm

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Cocktails and Conversation: </a>The Peaks and Pitfalls of Sibling Competition

Cocktails and Conversation: The Peaks and Pitfalls of Sibling Competition

Finish out the week with craft cocktails, yummy hors d'oeuvres, and a thoughtful, fun, substantive, and even sometimes raucous discussion of the finer points of the week's Torah portion. This week: Vayetze, Rachel, and Leah. These two sisters spend little time talking to each other, but lots of time saying bad things about each other. Is that healthy?

Childcare provided.

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Renewing our Relationship with the Earth: Cross-Country and Conversation

Renewing our Relationship with the Earth: Cross-Country and Conversation

The next Mountain Minyan shabbat service will soon be here. Get in the spirit with a cross country ski/walk around the golf course. Meet at the Aspen Golf Club (outside and to the left of the clubhouse, where you get into the trails) to stretch your muscles and spend reflective, preparatory time with Rabbi Shira and a group of friends, old and new. If the weather is bad, we will move to an indoor location for casual coffee and conversation. Please rsvp so we can contact you if there’s a change in plans.

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Cocktails and Conversation: A World on Fire

Cocktails and Conversation: A World on Fire

Finish out the week with craft cocktails, cheese from France, and a thoughtful, fun, substantive, and even sometimes raucous discussion of the finer points of the week's Torah portion. This week: Lech-Lecha, Abraham, and Sarah. Why did they leave home and journey into the unknown? What did they do when they found the world on fire? What should we do?

Babysitting provided.

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Selichot: Preparing our Hearts for the High Holy Days

Selichot: Preparing our Hearts for the High Holy Days

Selichot may not be one of the most popular of Jewish celebrations, but it’s one of the most beautiful. It includes most of the traditional music from the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services + conversation and learning about how to prepare for the holidays. Rabbi Shira, Rabbi Kolby Morris-Dahary + the Mountain Minyan music team will take you through the full emotional experience of the high holy days, as Selichot asks us to reflect and think about the year to come.

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Shabbat Lunch &amp; Study

Shabbat Lunch & Study

Should we care more about a Jew in need in Ukraine than a non-Jew in need in Aspen? Have some lunch and go deeper than all the soundbites and posturing to look at a multiplicity of voices on the Jewish approach to justice. Keep Shabbat going a little longer with community and conversation.

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Renewing our Relationship with the Earth: Hike up Smuggler followed by Study, Discussion &amp; Picnic

Renewing our Relationship with the Earth: Hike up Smuggler followed by Study, Discussion & Picnic

We live in the sixth mass extinction in the history of life on earth. We are not only its witnesses but also its cause. What are possible responses to this truth? Can we imagine another way to live? What can we learn from Torah to help us renew our relationship with one another and the earth? Lead by Rabbi Rachel Timoner, with a focus on Leviticus 25 and 26.

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Renewing our Relationship with Each Other

Renewing our Relationship with Each Other

We are seeing an epidemic of loneliness, social isolation, anxiety, and depression among adolescents and people of all ages. How might we understand the causes of this suffering, and what can we learn from the Torah that can help us to heal ourselves, our loved ones, and our society? With Rabbi Rachel Timoner, we will look at a number of Torah passages, with a focus on Deuteronomy 15.

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The Book of Psalms: Study &amp; Discussion

The Book of Psalms: Study & Discussion

The Psalms are the poems of the Bible and they are also the poems of our spiritual lives. We live in uncertain, often frightening times. Psalm 121 invites us to consider one way we might steady ourselves and regain hope, with Rabbi Rachel Timoner & Rabbi Marc Gellman.

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Shabbat Lunch, Study, &amp; Singing

Shabbat Lunch, Study, & Singing

Shabbat continues…with a talking donkey? Yes! Along with a delicious lunch and some great conversation about the week’s Torah portion, plus more singing. Keep Shabbat rest going for a little longer with Rabbi Shira + the Mountain Minyan music team.

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Music, Conversation, Picnic

Music, Conversation, Picnic

The Mountain Minyan Kumzitz. Bring some joy into the world with song and learning. The Mountain Minyan music team will play, you will sing along (or just listen), all the while sitting in one of the most beautiful locations in Aspen. Learn a little bit of Torah, but more than anything else, just relax into the physical and spiritual beauty of the space and the Sounds.

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Musical, uplifting, joyous Shabbat services

Musical, uplifting, joyous Shabbat services

Musical, uplifting, joyous Shabbat services with Mountain Minyan and Aspen Jewish Congregation. Join Rabbi Shira, Rabbi Kolby Morris-Dahan, and musicians Amalia Adiv, Eric Alterman, and Dan Yolles for an hour of singing, learning, celebrating, and just being in community.

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Pre-Shavuot Celebration

Pre-Shavuot Celebration

Being outside. Talking about our orienting principles for life. Singing. Eating ice cream. Unrolling the Torah and finding our favorite stories.

What more could you want from your community? Rabbi Shira, along with the Mountain Minyan Music team, will lead this celebration of the harvest holiday of Shavuot, which begins on Saturday night, June 4.

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